
Manage employee lifecycle

Elevate your workforce experience in different lifecycle stages.
From seamless preboarding to smooth offboarding.


Make a great first impression with these features:

ATS integration

Welcome message

HR forms

Checklists for employees, managers, and others

Educational tasks and interactive quizzes

Pulse-check surveys

In-app corporate training

Custom roles

Conditions and notifications

Export of HR data to the client's system or file

Equipment selection

Selection and ordering of welcome packs

Gamfi platform; e-mail template editor using snippets

Start with a welcome that resonates

Kickstart the journey before day one.

Before the first day even arrives, our preboarding solutions ensure a seamless transition into your team. New hires feel valued and connected by providing an engaging and informative welcome experience.

Gamfi's platform offers personalized welcome messages, comprehensive guides to company culture, and essential pre-start procedures. This early engagement reduces new hire anxiety, boosts confidence, and fosters a sense of belonging, laying a solid foundation for productive and happy employment.

Essential paperwork simplified

Streamline administrative tasks effortlessly.

Ditch the paperwork maze with Gamfi's automated preboarding process. Our solution streamlines all necessary administrative tasks through an intuitive digital platform, from contract signing to policy acknowledgments.

We help you save valuable time by ensuring all paperwork is completed efficiently and accurately before the first day, resulting in a smooth administrative process for both HR teams and new hires.

A woman looking at the tasks list on the laptop screen
Gamfi employee portal; "Company handbook: Company culture" task

Engage and educate early

Build excitement and understanding.

Gamfi elevates the preboarding experience by engaging new hires with interactive content about your company's mission, values, and team.

Through quizzes, videos, and your uploaded files, we make learning about the company exciting and help new employees understand their roles and the impact they can drive. This early education ensures they hit the ground running from day one, fully aligned with company goals and expectations.

"With the Gamfi Onboarding application, we effectively educate newly hired employees by tailoring the onboarding scope to their roles."
Zuzanna Brzeska

Zuzanna Brzeska

Talent Development & Learning Specialist, Danone

"The Gamfi Onboarding application has organized and streamlined our onboarding process."
Joanna Sknadaj

Joanna Sknadaj

Recruitment and Employer Branding Specialist, BGK

Trusted by top companies around the globe


Streamline onboarding with these features:

ATS integration

Welcome message

HR forms

Checklists for employees, managers, and others

Educational tasks and interactive quizzes

Pulse-check surveys

In-app corporate training

Custom roles

Conditions and notifications

Export of HR data to the client's system or file

Equipment selection

Selection and ordering of welcome packs

Gamfi platform; conditions panel settings

Personalized onboarding experiences

Tailored integration for every new hire.

The Gamfi platform offers a configurable workflow for each new team member. Each employee experiences a simple and engaging onboarding with a customized onboarding path based on their role, location, and department.

Our platform encourages interaction and feedback, supports new employees, and enhances productivity and job satisfaction from the start.

Interactive learning modules

Empower with knowledge and skills.

Unlock the full potential of your new hires with Gamfi's interactive learning modules. Our solution transforms the onboarding process into an engaging learning experience, covering everything from company culture to specific job skills.

Through micro-learning and real-life scenarios, employees can rapidly acquire the knowledge and skills needed to excel in their new roles, significantly reducing the time to productivity.

Gamfi employee portal; manager reboarding survey
Gamfi employee portal, "Rate your onboarding process!" pulse check survey

Continuous feedback loop

Foster growth with real-time insights.

Feedback is the cornerstone of effective onboarding. Gamfi's platform facilitates a continuous feedback loop between new hires and managers, enabling real-time insights into progress, challenges, and successes.

This open line of communication helps address any issues promptly, adjust learning paths as needed, and reinforce positive behaviors, ensuring a smooth and successful integration into the company.

Learning & Development

Elevate skills and knowledge with these features:

Educational tasks and interactive quizzes

In-app corporate training

Checklists for employees, managers, and others

Pulse-check surveys

Custom roles

Conditions and notifications

Gamfi platform, tasks in the "Employee promotion to Manager"  reboarding workflow

Continuous professional growth

Unlock potential through ongoing learning.

Gamfi's Learning & Development solutions support continuous professional growth, offering dedicated workflows tailored to enhance skills and knowledge.

Our platform encourages a culture of learning, empowering employees to take charge of their development paths, leading to increased engagement, satisfaction, and retention.

Measure impact and progress

Assess learning outcomes effectively.

Quantify the impact of your learning and development initiatives with Gamfi's comprehensive analytics. Our platform tracks progress, engagement, and completion rates, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of training programs.

This data-driven approach enables HR teams to refine strategies, demonstrate ROI, and further invest in the most impactful learning opportunities.

Gamfi employee portal, reboarding tasks list


Make unique (re)greetings with these features:

Welcome message

Presentation of positions, projects, clients

HR forms

Checklists for employees, managers, and others

Educational tasks and interactive quizzes

Pulse-check surveys

In-app corporate training

Employee FAQ

Conditions and notifications

Export of HR data to the client's system or file

Equipment selection

Selection and ordering of welcome packs

Women hugging; "Welcome back!" message

Seamless return to work

Reintegrate with ease and efficiency.

Whether returning from leave or transitioning to a new role within the company, Gamfi's reboarding workflows ensure a smooth and supportive return to work.

Our platform enables smooth delivery of information on any changes, refresher courses on essential skills, and clear guidance on new responsibilities, helping employees quickly adjust and feel confident in their roles once again.

Updated company insights

Keep employees informed on the latest developments.

Stay ahead of the curve with Gamfi's reboarding process, designed to update returning employees on the latest company developments, policy changes, and industry trends.

Our targeted content delivery ensures that everyone is informed, aligned, and ready to contribute to the company's goals, fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptability.

Gamfi employee portal; list of tasks in a reboarding process
A man smiling; welcome back messages

Reconnect with the team

Strengthen team dynamics and morale.

Reboarding is also about re-establishing connections within the team. Gamfi facilitates team-building activities and updates on team developments, ensuring returning employees reintegrate seamlessly into the team fabric.

By fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment, we help strengthen team dynamics and morale, which is crucial for a cohesive and high-performing team.


Seamless farewells with these features:

Goodbye message

HR forms

Checklists for employees, managers, and others

Pulse-check surveys

Guidance for the successor

Appointment of a substitute

Invitation to the alumni program

Gamfi platform; goodbye e-mail template in the offboarding process

Respectful departures

Ensure a positive transition for all parties.

Gamfi's offboarding solution ensures that departures are handled with dignity and respect, facilitating a smooth transition for both the employee and the company.

Our platform efficiently manages exit interviews, feedback collection, and final paperwork, turning the offboarding process into an opportunity for growth and improvement.

Knowledge transfer and continuity

Safeguard institutional knowledge.

Protect your company's knowledge with Gamfi's structured offboarding process. We assist in the systematic transfer of responsibilities and critical information, ensuring business continuity and minimizing disruption.

This proactive approach prevents knowledge gaps and maintains team productivity during transitions.

Gamfi platform, tasks in the "Saying goodbye to an employee" offboarding workflow
A man saying goodbye; offboarding process

Company alumni engagement

Maintain long-term relationships.

Transform former employees into lifelong company advocates with alumni engagement process. Our platform enables ongoing communication, invitation to alumni program, industry updates, and potential rehire opportunities.

We help you build a strong employer brand and a loyal community of former employees by fostering positive post-employment relationships.

Check out an employee onboarding demo

Go through a sample onboarding process as a new hire.